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Purpose of the course:

Drawing from the work of Steve Biko and the Black Consciousness Movement, this course is equipping community and church practitioners to discover and practice their own agency and that of their communities in making change through nurturing an alternative consciousness.

Minimum Admission Requirements:

The general public, but in particular community leaders and people involved in community transformation processes. The format of the course can be slightly adjusted to the particular needs of a specific group or organisation.

Structure and duration of the course:

The course is presented during 8 – morning sessions over an 8 month period, or 4 full day sessions. 8 one – page reports and a consolidating assignment with mentoring report at the end.

Dates of contact weeks:

On Request.


On Request


R2 600 per Year (Incl VAT)


  • Module 1: Relating to the work of Biko and the Black Consciousness Movement to self, city and community.

  • Module 2: Developing a new and alternative consciousness in relation to personal contexts.

  • Module 3: Eight moments in the process of change – making, including resistance, self – definition and self – reliance.

  • Module 4: Theology and church from below and employing cultural resources for change.

  • Module 5: Considering the development of alternative communities and movements, working for change.

Registration AND ENROLMENT:

Register at least one month before the start of the course. Return the completed enrolment form to:

fax +27 (0)12 434 2505, email or visit to enrol online.

Minimum number of participants:


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