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Purpose of the course:

The advanced course in coaching provides exposure to the very wide field of coaching while advancing the ecotone between business organisations and faith-based organisations It gives special attention to a narrative practice of coaching, spirituality as part of our diversity, and the African context. It develops the knowledge, skills and competencies of the coach on a professional level to be reckoned as a responsible and competent practitioner in coaching. It reflects on the underlying worldviews and inspires independent thought whilst drawing on interdisciplinary perspectives.

Minimum Admission Requirements:

Persons with a tertiary qualification like a degree or diploma; persons who are already involved in coaching; persons with a minimum of five years’ work experience. This may include thought and business leaders; managers in a corporate environment; people wanting to explore different leadership models as they take responsibility for individuals or teams; as well as consultants, therapists, managers, psychologists, community and church leaders, and formal facilitators.


Students who qualify to register for an Honours or Master’s degree at the Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Pretoria, can offer this course as part of a structured course work Honours/Master’s degree in Practical Theology.

Structure and duration of course:

This is a one – year course. There are five periods of contact tuition. Written – and practical assignments are done after every week of contact sessions. Each module will consist of theory, consideration of practical work in a specific context and in – depth reflection and integration of information. These same modules can be taken individually at a reduced cost, if students prefer not to enrol for the whole course because of personal interests or time constraints.

Dates of contact weeks:

Week 1: 10 – 13 Mar 2025/Module 1: Narrative Coaching

Week 2: 05 – 08 May 2025/Module 2: Advanced Narrative Practice / Narrative Coaching

Week 3: 04 – 07 Aug 2025/Module 3: Enhanced GROW Coaching

Week 4: 13 – 16 Oct 2025/Module 4: Collaborative Practice for Coaching


Pretoria University Main Campus


R10 800 per Module (Incl VAT) | R38 000 per course (Incl VAT)

* Special rates and discounts apply for those situated formally in the non-profit sector or

ministry environment. By contacting for a possible discount (T's&C's apply).

Registration AND ENROLMENT:

Register at least one month before the start of the course. Return the completed enrolment form to:

fax +27 (0)12 434 2505, email or visit to enrol online.

Minimum number of participants:


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